Orillia Business Women's Association in Orillia
On November 24 at 12:11 PM
We would like to extend our thanks to Lieutenant-Colonel Tanya Tebbutt of CFB Borden for attending our November networking dinner meeting and sharing her military journey with us.

We thank you for your service.

Orillia Business Women's Association in Orillia
On November 24 at 11:52 AM

Orillia Business Women's Association in Orillia
On October 28 at 1:15 PM
President's Message November 2024

Hello! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful - did you gobble till you wobble?
We are grateful to our Members who participated in the Chamber of Commerce Expo! Special thanks to the members of the Executive Committee, who took care of things while I was out of town.

November brings Remembrance Day, and our special guest who is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Those of us, of a certain age, will remember walking to the cenataph on Nov.11 with our schools. As a Girl Guide, we walked in the parade every year - proudly bearing our Canadian Flag and our Unit colours.
When you hear the words this year, "we will remember them", keep in mind the ones who served our country; and the ones who still do.

Hope you have a wonderful meeting, and I will see you in December.

Trisha Cuthbertson
OBWA President

Orillia Business Women's Association in Orillia
On September 24 at 12:43 PM
Meet your 2024/25 OBWA Executive.

OBWA Executive Committee are:
President - Trisha Cuthbertson
Treasurer - Lynn Peterson
Membership Co-Ordinator - Dale McKay
Speaker Co-Ordinator - Paula Martyn
Executive Assistant - Cara Cooper
Media/Website -Corry Ticknor
Secretary -Susan Zaroski

Orillia Business Women's Association in Orillia
On September 24 at 12:12 PM
One of the many benefits of OBWA Membership is free admittance at our Networking Dinner Meetings.
That's $10 per month that stays in your wallet! 😉

Renew your OBWA membership today!

Networking Dinner Meetings run September through June annually.

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