Office Organization Services


Is your Office Space underwhelming? Has your Creativity Decreased? Would you like to save Time and Money? Welcome Realty Brokerage can help!

Our Services:

  • Declutter - Assist with purging and determine what items to Keep, Shred or Toss

  • Removal - Contact services that shred and dispose of confidential paperwork

  • Cleaning Service - We can help you locate a reputable cleaning service for daily, weekly or monthly cleaning 

  • Storage Solutions - Purchase new or reconfigure existing shelving, drawer organizers, totes and bins 

Reorganize - Configure a shelving and or filing system that works with your business 


Here is what striving to be neat can do for you.

  • Clears Your Mind – cleaning and decluttering helps to destress and maybe locate some lost items
  • Saves You Time And Money – no more running around looking for misplaced items or replacing items     you thought were lost
  • Gives You Flexibility – being organized helps to better manage your time so you will have openings in     your schedule for unexpected or impromptu activities  
  • Sparks Your Creativity – an organized space will lead to possibilities that are endless
  • Sets An Example – your children will learn and benefit from organization and carry it into their lives
  • You Maximize The Space You Have In Your Office – the most important reason of all, we all need more room, we all collect items and we all need to find space to put all those items.

Whether you are selling your home, moving into your new home, or you just want to love your home again, give us a call! Organization does not have to be expensive or overwhelming. 


Date Added 2019-09-20
Product Id 10479173