About Us

Trade \trâd\ vb 1: to give in exchange for another commodity (i.e. barter) 2: to engage in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods. Wouldn't it be great to be able to purchase what you are looking for by simply trading your goods or services? Historically, two companies directly exchanging products and services of equal value was the only way to experience the benefits of trade. At BarterPay, we provide a revolutionary trade tool for businesses throughout Canada. BarterPay is an extensive network of thousands of businesses, where all kinds of products and services are traded multi-directionally. No longer do companies have to search for one-to-one direct trade relationships. Our clients have the flexibility to use their "trade credits", which we call TRADEdollars, earned to purchase what they want or need from thousands of businesses within the BarterPay network (Each TRADEdollar is equal to one CDN dollar.) BarterPay provides the platform where trades come together for our clients, much like a clearinghouse does for stocks, or a commercial bank does for cheques. Just like a brokerage firm, BarterPay receives a commission on each purchase transaction. Our services include sending you new business opportunities, facilitating your purchase requests, and automating the record for each trade transaction. In addition, all transactions can be processed on-line immediately, so there should be no receivables, collection efforts, or bad debts involved. You choose whether or not you wish to accept the opportunity, and as such, are able to trade your underutilized capacity or excess inventory. By trading, you are always buying at your wholesale Cost of Goods. Almost every business has the ability to increase their gross revenue by at least 5%-10% without having to increase any of their fixed overhead costs. BarterPay would like the opportunity to bring you that extra 5%- 10% in annual revenue thereby making your business more profitable.