Toe Nail Foot Care/Treatment


Toe Nail Foot Care/Treatment – The Chiropodists at Think Feet Family Foot Clinic, in Orillia, treat and care for toenails. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Toenails are the structures present at the end of each toe. Their purpose is to protect the end of the toes. The nail is a growing tissue that begins below the nail fold, in the matrix, and is composed of several layers of the nail plate. Nail removal, required because of an injury, can be extremely painful as there are many nerve endings present in the toes. Usually, a nail has a uniform thickness and is simple to care for with regular cutting and filing. When a nail plate is damaged or deformed it can injure the skin on the side of the toe or affect other toes. Some nail deformities include: an involuted or horseshoe nail; an onychogryphotic nail (resembles a ram horn); or a clubbed-shape nail. Onychomychosis or fungal infections may also cause a nail structural change. Any of these nail conditions can be painful and may require further Chiropody treatment assistance.

Nail changes may be caused by: Footwear that is too short or narrow; toe deformities; genetics; repeated toe injuries; fungal infections; frostbite or other environmental injuries; peripheral vascular disease; medication; or cancer.


Date Added 2016-09-26
Product Id 10348461