If you're looking for an amazing whitening toothpaste, without the sensitivity of traditional whitening products, call or pop into, Smiles by Sina Dental Hygiene and pick up a tube. 210 Memorial Ave. Unit 107. 705-558-2121. www.SmilesBySina.com
At Smiles by Sina Dental Hygiene, Orillia Dental Hygienist Sina, lets you relax and watch the TV Show "Friends" while you're getting your teeth cleaned by a professional dental technician. We can even put on your favorite episode! www.SmilesBySina.com
Smiles by Sina Dental Hygiene, was created to provide individual dental hygiene services, for clients of all ages and walks of life. At Smiles by Sina, we know how important sound oral health is, in relation to your overall health. That is why we provide dental hygiene education, geared to your specific needs, to each of our clients, as part of treatment. This will allow you to include what you’ve learned in office, into your daily oral health routines, for your best mouth health results. www.smilesbysina.com