About Us




Reptiles are the most “at-risk” class of wildlife in Canada, with 79 per cent of taxa classified as endangered, threatened, or special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).  The objectives

of our project are to introduce people to this misunderstood group of animals, to inspire them to be concerned about the animals’ conservation, to challenge them to discover solutions to the threats posed to these species, and to highlight possible career trajectories in the natural sciences. These objectives will be achieved through interactive, hands-on programming such as interpretive presentations, informative displays, and special workshops. We will focus geographically on areas where these species at risk may still be found, and on the people who live, work, or play in these areas.

This collaborative project is a partnership between Scales Nature Park,  Laurentian University, the Canadian Society of Herpetologists, and Sciensational Sssnakes!! We also actively promote the conservation work of other organizations, such as Ontario Nature’s Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre, the Georgian Bay Turtle Hospital, and the Long Point Basin Land Trust. We welcome opportunities to work with local organizations! 

Based at Scales Nature Park near Orillia, the Reptiles at Risk on the Road project has toured extensively within Ontario, and from coast to coast between 2006-2008. Our geographical target areas shift each year as funding levels allow. If you are interested in having us come to your community, please send us an email!

You can also visit our Scales Nature Park website.