Orillia Electric's Certified Master electricians offer troubleshooting of shorted circuits and non functioning circuits, repairs to old wiring, machinery troubleshooting, Generac generator repairs, and much more!
If you are having electrical issues in Orillia contact Orillia Electric.
Do you know what gauge of wire is required for an installation? Do you know how much load a breaker can handle? Do you even understand the building codes? You need to. If an inspector comes in and you haven't followed building codes, you're going to have to fix it, start over, or hire an electrician anyway to cover your butt - start off right by hiring a professional electrician from Orillia Electric! www.Orillia-Electric.com
If your living room looks like a snake farm with wires running under the rugs and furniture, a dangerous condition exists, and you definitely need more outlets! Contact the professionals at Orillia Electric to install business and home outlets in Orillia and the surrounding area! www.Orillia-Electric.com
Orillia Electric is an authorized Generac Generator Dealer, Installer and we also service and repair under the manufacturer's Warranty. Call now for your free Quote! 705.817.3339 - www.Orillia-Electric.com