Orillia Electric in Coldwater
On November 16 at 12:35 PM
Your devices and appliances represent a substantial financial investment. Do you really want to risk damaging them by performing a faulty electrical installation or service? You will best protect your appliances and devices by using a professional electrical service. If you need professional electrical assistance in Orillia or the surrounding area contact Orillia Electric!


Orillia Electric in Coldwater
On November 08 at 12:34 PM
If you are having electrical problems or you need electrical advice in Orillia and surrounding area contact Orillia Electric! We specialize in commercial and residential electrical. Contact us today to learn more!


Orillia Electric in Coldwater
On October 31 at 9:54 AM
Many do-it-your-self enthusiasts trying to save a few bucks will attempt their electrical work without a professional; this can backfire badly. Beyond having to buy all of the proper tools, just imagine what would happen if you performed an electrical installation that resulted in a fire. When dealing with electrical you should always hire a professional! If you need electrical work in Orillia or the surrounding area contact us at Orillia Electric!


Orillia Electric in Coldwater
On October 21 at 1:53 PM
Are you having electrical problems in Orillia or the surrounding area? The electricians at Orillia Electric are trained to use a variety of tools to troubleshoot problems with your electrical system. We can do this much quicker and safer than the average home or business owner. Quick, accurate troubleshooting by an Orillia Electric technician saves time and provides you with peace of mind!


Orillia Electric in Coldwater
On October 21 at 8:00 AM
Orillia Electric was reviewed by David Clarke from Port Severn

We recently had our Generac installed at our new home, along with some other minor electrical work. Rob, Ryan and Peter were very... Read More

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