Abby Taher - 2018 Young Woman of the Year



Abby Taher – Orillia Secondary School
Abby is a student at Orillia Secondary School (OSS) with a strong grasp of academic concepts and a comprehensive understanding of course content no matter the subject material, maintaining an average of 94%.

Abby travelled to Kenya with “Me to We”, to build a classroom that was adequate and comfortable for the children and is in the midst of organizing a benefit concert and silent auction to raise funds to support the program.  Abby has also volunteered at the Lighthourse Men’s Shelter, helping clean, organize, and stock.  She took on the role of Route Marshall for the Coldest Night of the Year walk.  For two years, Abby took part on the Relay for Life Committee as Volunteer Coordinator and Team Captain Coordinator.  Currently, she is in her 5th year as coach at Mariposa Gymnastic Club.  At OSS, she co-organized the Semi Formal Dance as well as serving on the Student Council and is one of two school Prime Ministers.  In addition, she helps organize events and activities such as the Pancake Breakfast and Valentine’s Day flower sales.

Abby was chosen to be 1 of 32 Spirit Leaders at the province-wide Ontario Student Leadership Conference and helped run the conference by leading discussion sessions addressing bullying, breaking stereotypes and promoting positivity and leadership.

Abby plans to attend Queen’s University and says, “In the future, I would like to pursue my love of benefiting others by becoming a surgeon, working specifically in developing countries”.


2018 Young Woman of the Year
Date Added 2019-09-03
Product Id 10478258