About Us

Naturopathic Doctor
Hello I am Dr. Katy Howard ND. Welcome to Renewed Wellness.  We are a diverse wellness team dedicated to bringing you to your perfect state of health and wellness.  We focus on bringing balance to every aspect of your health: in body, mind, and spirit.  If you are seeking a healthy body, a balanced mind, and a peaceful spirit, we would be honoured to help you on your healing journey.

 Our clinic is a safe place for people to come and work on healing to improve health and wellness.  Using naturopathic medicine, we provide preventative and natural treatments for the entire family.  There is an on-site dispensary for your convenience as well, carrying professional lines from select preferred companies.  If you're ready to feel better, our team is here to help.

Click here to BOOK ONLINE with DR. KATY

Most health insurance plans cover Naturopathic consultations.  Please check with your insurance company to confirm your coverage.  Consults are also able to be claimed as a medical expense on your taxes.



Our Naturopathic Doctors can provide acupuncture both in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and in the dry needling, muscle release styles.  In TCM, the acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points on certain channels of Qi on the body to help regulate and rebalance the body systems.  In dry needling, needles are inserted into Ashii points to directly release muscle spasms to help reduce pain and tension.

BodyTalk is a revolutionary consciousness-based health care system that is founded in Quantum Physics.  Over the past decade research in this area is showing us that everything in our universe is energy. … Everything in this universe has its own vibrational frequency. BodyTalk is a form of therapy that allows the body’s energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended.

Emotion Code

By allowing the body to release trapped emotions, emotion code can allow us to move past self-sabotage, and recurring relationship problems, while also helping remove physical imbalances and emotional traumas.

Holistic Nutrition

Holistic nutrition can help you get your diet and lifestyle back on track.  Keeping your nutrition on track can help you ensure you’re getting all of the vitamins and minerals that you need to keep your body in peak form.  With additional fitness advice, you’ll be well on your way to your healthy living goals!


By helping you get past your own conscious mind, hypnosis can help you to achieve your goals and overcome mental and emotional obstacles in your life.  We also offer past life regression services to help you connect with any remaining lessons from your past lives that may still be affecting your present physical and emotional state.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is what a Naturopath does, and treatment modalities are how we do it. A naturopathic doctor is a jack-of-all-trades with a number of different tools at their disposal. Some of the modalities we use are:

  1. Asian medicine and Acupuncture
  2. Botanical medicine
  3. Lifestyle counselling
  4. Nutritional counselling
  5. Personal counselling
  6. Hydrotherapy
  7. Homeopathy

The type of medicine that we use depends on your case and your preference. Please feel free to contact the clinic for more information or click here for Frequently Asked Questions About Naturopathic Medicine Appointments


This is a hands-on-healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The practitioner channels universal life force, healing energy into the patient’s body.  This brings greater vitality to the body and can promote healing.


Reflexology is a form of therapy that involves treating the body through the feet. It is a focused pressure treatment to the feet based on the premise that there are reflex areas in the feet which relate to all the body parts including organs and glands, and that therefore the whole body can be treated through the feet to bring a state of balance and relaxation.

Concerns conditions and symptoms commonly seen at our practice pertain to:

Gas and Bloating
Autoimmune diseases
GERD and Acid reflux
Nutritional Deficiencies
Skin disorders
Hair loss
Emotional eating
Hormonal imbalance
Weight gain/loss
Food sensitivities



Intuitive Healing Cara Cooper
Intuitive Healing 
Cara Cooper

Intuitive Healing - Cara Cooper

Cara is passionate about her new BodyTalk practice here at RHW!  If you have trapped emotions, muscle memory, or any body imbalance, then BodyTalk can help you!

BodyTalk is a revolutionary consciousness-based health care system that is founded in Quantum Physics. This area of science has produced some amazing results over the last decade, showing us that everything in our universe is energy. … Everything in this universe has its own vibrational frequency.

BodyTalk is a form of therapy that allows the body’s energy systems to be resynchronized so they can operate as nature intended.

Marion Hurlimann

Reflexology + Indian Head Massage - Marion Hurlimann 

Marion completed her certification  as Reflexologist through the Ontario College of Reflexology in January 2012.

Reflexology has been part of her life since her childhood in Switzerland. Her mother would use reflexology on Marion and her sister when they had a tummy-, headache or any other aches and pains.  When it was time for Marion to find a new direction in life, with children in school full-time and the need to do something meaningful, it seemed a nice idea to continue and expand on this knowledge. Helping others feel better is very important to her and she’s looking forward to share her passion with you.

Fortune Telling 
Stephanie Silk

Tarot and Fortune Telling - Stephanie Silk

Being a small town girl, I have always felt a strong pull towards the outdoors. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I discovered my clear and open communication with nature. It was this discovery that I built my spiritual journey. I use the traditional Rider-Waite deck and have been reading the cards for over 10 years. I have dabbled with different decks and other forms of reading but I am always brought back to my Ride-Waite deck. This is an extremely personal form of expression for me. I plan to continue building my practice in several different areas, including reiki. If you would like to know any more about me and my journey, please feel free to ask!

Hypnosis, NLP
Emotion Code
Ashley O'Connell

Hypnosis, Emotion Code, and NLP - Ashley O'Connell

Ashley works with people to find their true selves;  letting go of fears and anxieties, old patterns, beliefs and habits.  Working directly with the subconscious Ashley is able to facilitate the bypass of the “ego” and tap in to ones truest self.
Ashley started off in the healthcare field as a Personal Support Worker and then upgraded to a Practical Nurse, before branching off into the field of wellness.  She has now grown into a practice that is a unique blend of the healing modalities she practices. Ashley is a teacher of Usui Reiki, a Hypnosis Instructor for The National Guild of Hypnotists and an NLP Trainer for the National Federation of Neurolinguistic Programming.  Along with regular classes and sessions, Ashley also offers spiritual retreats into the Amazon and Andean Mountains of Peru.  
Emily Knox 

Reiki and Oracle Card Readings - Emily Knox

Emily is a Certified Level II Reiki Practitioner. She uses a “laying of hands” energy-healing practice; incorporating breathing techniques, chakra balancing, and angel card readings to bring awareness and balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

Reducing negative energy caused from stress, depression, addictions, anxiety, traumas, and pain, Emily assists in flooding the body with feelings of love, wellbeing and motivation to look after one’s truest self.

Niki Gardy
Holistic Nutrition 

Holistic Nutrition - Niki Gardy

I have a passion for healthy living and I’m excited to share that with you!  As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and experienced personal trainer, I can help you lead a healthy life in the kitchen and in the gym.

Nutrition plays a significant role in your wellbeing, both physically and mentally; I will teach you to find the balance to help you feel like your best self.  Offering support and guidance along the way, I’m excited to get you started on your journey to a healthier life!

Andrew Kowalchuk 
Nutrition/Elimination Diet Chef
Peace of Mind Contracting 

Renewed Health & Wellness is a general naturopathic family healthcare and energy rebalancing clinic. There are a variety of health concerns treated in the clinic. We believe in treating the individual on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.

Intuitive Healing - Cara Cooper

Reflexology + Indian Head Massage - Marion Hurlimann

Tarot and Fortune Telling - Stephanie Silk

Hypnosis, Emotion Code, and NLP - Ashley O'Connell

Reiki and Oracle Card Readings - Emily Knox

Holistic Nutrition - Niki Gardy

• Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture • Reflexology and Indian Scalp Massage • Intuitive Healing Sessions • Hypnosis, NLP and Emotion Code • Tarot and Fortune Telling •  Reiki and Energy Services •

Phone, Email and Skype consultations are charged the same as above.

Cancellations require 48hrs notice or a missed appointment fee of $50 applies.  Same-day cancellations and no-show appointments are charged at the full rate for the time booked.