About Us

We offer Pet Grooming for Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Rabbits and other small animals. Pets are here for pampering and for it to be done with the least amount of stress possible. Your pet will be loved, comfortable and stress free while you have to be away. We are Veterinarian recommended. 

We carry a wide variety of professional products for all skin types.  Our salon also offers an advanced bathing massage system to pamper your pet.
Our Pet Salon is equipped with the most up to date professional products and equipment.
Every new client begins their experience with a consultation and a tour of our facility. 
Our salon is an open environment.  When you walk in all is visible, no back rooms, all equipment and crates are in full view.  We work one on one with your Pet.  Pets can be free to roam our facility and lie on our comfy beds or crates are available along with comfy blankets for their stay.                              
We offer an additional service to your groom that will include a walk and additional care during the day until you are able to pick up your pet. 
  • Hydro massage system
  • Air-conditioned
  • Home based
  • Close to town
  • Small animal care
  • Pet-Friendly Atmosphere
  • It is not only a pet care salon but pets love the atmosphere here. We love taking care of your pet in our air-conditioned environment. 
Wing Clipping - Is available for small birds.