About Us

Think were just a Temp Staffing Agency?? Think Again!!! Sure we can help with ALL of your staffing needs but we can do so much more!!

Human Resources (HR) Consulting Services


Whether you have an in-house HR team and need some additional support in one specific area or, don’t have a full-time internal HR department and just need to address some of the basics. ImageOne Staffing Inc. offers a wide range of Human Resources (HR) Consulting Services.


Our HR Consulting services include:


We are dedicated to offering you the best consulting and right services to help you operate a winning business. We welcome you to contact us by email or call; we are here to help you.


Employee Relations


Handling difficult employee situations is one of the toughest jobs managers face. Ensuring situations are dealt with fairly and meet legislative requirements may mean the difference between an effective resolution and costly litigation.



ImageOne Staffing Inc. provides effective strategies and coaching for dealing with difficult employee situations such as poor performance, downsizing or terminations.



Recruiting and Employee Retention


Is your turnover too high? Are you having difficulty finding good candidates? Recruiting costs out-of-control? We can help. ImageOne Staffing Inc. evaluates your current hiring and retention practices, analyzes turnover and helps you implement effective recruiting and retention strategies to ensure you have the best programs in place for today’s competitive marketplace.



We also offer a variety of cost effective recruiting services—from résumé screening and reference checking to full recruitment.




Policy and Procedure Development


Whether re-evaluating your HR policies, merging two systems or moving information on-line, ImageOne develops competitive and effective HR policies and programs to help motivate and retain your employees.



Regardless of the size of your organization, it is prudent to have sound HR policies in place before you need them. We have extensive experience in HR policy development from the ground up and with updating and re-structuring existing policies.



Employee Policy and Procedures Handbooks


ImageOne Staffing Inc. will create a customized and effective employee handbook, which will cover all general business and human resources related policies and procedures helping keep your employees updated and aware of company policies.



Ministry of Labour Compliance


It can be tough for organizations to keep up with the changes in employment law and human rights legislation. ImageOne can advise on matters with respect to federal and provincial employment legislation, human rights legislation, and employment and labour standards. We ensure that your policies, programs and practices are legislatively compliant or we answer your questions to help you interpret employment legislation and standards.





ImageOne Staffing Inc. can assist with information about prevention, forms, health issues, return to work programs and more if any temporary employees are injured on the job.



Getting Started


ImageOne Staffing Inc. provides a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of your HR programs, processes and practices and identifies those areas that are working well, and those that could be further enhanced.



Our comprehensive assessment reviews your:


-HR Planning                                                                      -Recruiting and Retention


-Orientation                                                                       -Performance Management


-Training and Development                                         -Terminations


-Employee Relations                                                      -Benefits Management/Administration


-Salary Administration/Compensation                    -Payroll


-HR Communications                                                      -Legislative Compliance


-Record Keeping and Systems                                    -HR Policies and Procedures



And thats not all!!




Your customers want a 30-day term. But your staff wants to be paid right away. To make matters worse, traditional payroll providers want your cash on Wednesday so they can make payroll on Friday. It’s a cash flow nightmare.



Introducing ImageOne’s Payroll Plus Funding…


Now you can pay for staff without putting your cash upfront for payroll…with our unique Payroll Plus Funding solution. You get improved cash flow because…


  • you get 30 days to pay your payroll costs


  • remittances are paid when they’re due at the 15th or end-of-month, not upfront to your payroll provider


  • you experience reduced payroll administration costs



Plus, you get the added advantage of having your staffing HR managed by our friendly and knowledgeable experts.



How Payroll Plus Funding Works


Payroll Plus Funding has all the advantages of outsourcing your full-time and temporary staff through an agency without the higher agency costs.



Your on-site and remote staff remains on ImageOne’s payroll system. We track hours worked, issue paycheques and make remittances. We even perform HR functions, based on your company’s needs. You get the benefit of a dedicated workforce without the payroll and HR headaches. And, you receive one simple invoice that covers all your payroll costs. No more paying for payroll on Wednesday to meet a Friday pay date. No more paying the tax remittance portion before it’s due to CRA.



Payroll Plus offers many benefits:


  • improved cash flow with one simple monthly payment


  • reduced administrative costs


  • a worry-free and effective payroll and HR solution without the cost of an onsite expert


  • your staff are paid accurately and on time…every time


  • all payroll tax compliance requirements are handled for you


  • expert advice on pay situations and the latest workplace legislation



Because ImageOne also provides recruiting, job placement and temporary staffing services, we offer flexible staffing solutions you just don’t get from your traditional payroll provider. You get the added advantage of:


  • a pool of trained staff to draw upon for coverage and peak demand times


  • a flexible workforce…lets you expand or reduce your staff complement as needed


  • expert recruiting and placement services



Contact ImageOne today for a payroll solution that improves cash flow…and takes the headaches out of payroll.  705-719-3927 or 877-338-0571