Hospice Orillia in Orillia
On October 05 at 11:37 AM
Hospice Orillia Launches Specialized Support for Caregivers

Hospice Orillia knows all too well how taxing the role of caregiver can be. As an organization that supports those living with life-threatening illnesses, they have witnessed firsthand the need for caregiver support.

They have recently launched two new programs; Caregiver's Connection and Caregiver's Corner Support Group, geared towards supporting caregivers of those with a life-threatening illness. While Caregiver's Connection provides support in a one-on-one setting, the Caregiver's Corner Support Group provides a group setting.

“Caregivers are such an important part of our healthcare system." Stefanie Collins, Community Social Worker said. “We started the Caregivers Connection Program and the Caregiver's Corner Support Group to provide caregivers with much-needed support and fill a gap in the current services offered."

The Caregiver's Connection program offers telephone support from trained volunteers who provide a friendly listening ear and a space to express the ups and downs of caregiving. Volunteers will call caregivers weekly where the telephone calls can be short and sweet, or last up to an hour; the choice is yours!

Whereas Caregiver's Corner Support Group provides a space to connect with others in similar circumstances while focusing on self-care and engaging in creative activities. The arts-based program will run for six-week and is facilitated by a Registered Social Worker who helps individuals process the complex emotions of caring for someone significant in their life.

“Our goal with our new programs is to ensure that caregivers of those who are living with a life-threatening illness have a place to turn where they can connect with others in a similar situation." Daniela Accomando, Volunteer Coordinator, Community Social Worker noted.

Caregiver's Corner will be offered periodically throughout the year and Caregiver's Connection will be offered on an ongoing basis. As with all programs offered by Hospice Orillia, the caregiver programs will be offered free of charge thanks to the generous donations received from our community.

For more information on the Caregiver's Corner Support please call Daniela (705) 325-0505 ext. 118 and for more information on Caregiver's Connection please call Stefanie at (705) 325-0505 ext. 211 or visit www.hospiceorillia.ca/caregiver-support.

For information on how you can help support programs like Caregiver's Corner or Caregiver's Connection, please contact Amanda Tevelde at (705) 325-0505 ext 107 or email amanda@hospiceorillia.ca.

Hospice Orillia in Orillia
On January 07 at 4:05 PM
2022 Hike for Hospice - Save the Date!
Sunday, May 1st, 2022

Join Mariposa House Hospice and Hospice Orillia as we join forces for the first in person hike since 2019!!

Registration now open: https://hospiceorillia.ca/h4h/

Hospice Orillia in Orillia
On September 30 at 11:44 AM
Join Hospice Orillia and Mariposa House Hospice as we host our annual Hike for Hospice!

While we are saddened that we cannot gather as a group this year, we are excited to present a new option for those who wish to participate in this annual tradition. This year, rather than hosting the Hike for Hospice on a single day, we will be inviting individuals and organizations to participate throughout the month of October.

Your Hike for Hospice can take you to Scout's Valley, Grants Woods, the waterfront, your garden, or to your favourite hiking trail. The possibilities are endless. You can even hike on multiple days if you choose!

Participants can register online at www.bit.ly/H4HOrillia and are invited to post photos on social media using the hashtag #H4HOrillia

** We ask that all participants adhere to all recommendations as outline by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

Hospice Orillia in Orillia
On September 30 at 11:44 AM
Hike for Hospice - Registration Now Open!

This year, rather than hosting the Hike for Hospice on a single day, we will be inviting individuals and organizations to participate throughout the month of October.

Your Hike for Hospice can take you to Scout's Valley, Grants Woods, the waterfront, your garden, or to your favourite hiking trail. The possibilities are endless.

Participants can register online at www.bit.ly/H4HOrillia and are invited to post photos on social media using the hashtag #H4HOrillia

Where will YOUR hike take you?

Hospice Orillia in Orillia
On February 28 at 12:13 PM
Hospice Orillia has turned 30 years old!!!

On November 1st Hospice Orillia hosted an open house in celebration of our 30th anniversary. Guests were treated to cake, coffee, tea and punch all along with some good ol' reminiscing about days gone by. Along with the reminiscing we were treated to hearing from one of our wonderful supporters Michael in addition to MP Bruce Stanton and Mayor Steve Clarke. Both Mr. Stanton and Mr. Clarke presented Whitney Vowels, Director of Operations and Communications with certificates of congratulations to mark the 30th anniversary.

If you have a feel good story you would like to share with us please email amanda@hospiceorillia.ca, we would love to hear from you!!

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