Health is the New Wealth in Barrie
On May 05 at 8:58 AM
This spring has been a tough one mentally with all the rain we've been getting. But hang on summer is coming and with it the sunshine! If you're looking to get into shape for summer or just want to boost those endorphins right now the JuuvaFIT Challenge is starting soon, May 9th to July 10th. That's NEXT TUESDAY so there's still time to sign up and join me and get walking on the sunshine.

#sunshine #juuvafit #juuvafitchallenge #results #HealthIsTheNewWealth #TransformYourLife

Health is the New Wealth in Barrie
On April 11 at 9:54 AM
Health is the New Wealth has signed up and I hope you will too!

Are you a business owner that offers a product or service that other vendors can
benefit from? SIGN UP NOW to become a vendor and showcase your brand at THE
SHOWCASE & NETWORKING BUSINESS EXPO, April 29th, 10am-7pm, at the Small
Arms Inspection Building, Mississauga.

Contact: Karen Bell

#SmallBusiness #Networking #Showcase #Expo #Work #Connect #BusinessOwners
#Hustle #Partnerships

Health is the New Wealth in Barrie
On March 27 at 1:41 PM
StatsCan says that food inflation is now hovering at 11%. That means a basket of groceries that cost you $100 last year, costs you $111 today. How are you coping with high food prices?

I've found a way to bring in some extra income and help with those rising costs. Let me show you how.

#foodinflation #HealthIsTheNewWealth #TransformYourLife

Health is the New Wealth in Barrie
On March 13 at 12:38 PM
What is March Break costing you?

Kids' Day Camp - $15.00 per day
1 Hour Ski Lesson = $149.00 (plus a lift ticket)
5 Day Camp = $425.00 (plus you provide their own food or pay extra for a meal plan)
Time with your family = irreplaceable

Imagine eliminating your expense and need for March break programming by being able to manage your own time so you can spend time making valuable memories with your children, all while making an income.

You can. Ask me how.


Health is the New Wealth in Barrie
On February 13 at 3:31 PM
February is Heart Month. By making healthy lifestyle choices like quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels, we all can reduce our risk of heart disease.

I made the choice several years ago when I realized I needed to get healthy. I tried to do it on my own but found it really difficult. I was able to find a company that not only offered support and helped me create a plan for success, but they also provided some pretty amazing products and supplements that literally transformed my life.

What changes are you making this month for a healthier heart?

#February #hearthealth #healthisthenewwealth #TransformYourLife

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