Gaia Orion

5 years ago

Rencontre improbable avec Gaia suite à une écoute d'une émission de radio. C'est une personne, je trouve, très carrée et très fine, le combo parfait pour avancer en sécurité et se poser les bonnes questions. J'avais besoin d’insuffler un peu d'art dans les accompagnements que je fais et sans doute dans ma vie ! J'ai été très surprise des dessins réalisés, et les surprises j'aime ça ! ce qui arrive, ce qu'on avait pas prévu, ce qui se révèle, on ne contrôle plus rien, il faut juste regarder là où ça nous emmène, observatrice de son propre dess(e)in ! Merci encore Gaia.

6 years ago

Gaia suit mes projets depuis quelques mois. J'ai fait appel à ses services sur les conseils d'une amie à un moment de confusion dans mon parcours artistique. J'ai gagné en clarté dans mes objectifs, je trouve petit à petit les moyens de faire aboutir ma production. Malgré les différences de nos démarches artistiques, le regard extérieur de Gaia sur mes images m'aide à trouver comment les mettre en valeur

6 years ago

Gaia est ma coach en créativité. C'est pour moi un moment précieux, un espace à part, pour parler de mon travail d'écrivain, aborder des questions qui m'aident à me positionner. Cet accompagnement m'a déjà permis d'oser prendre ma place, avec plus de confiance. C'est une expérience riche et positive, une chance sur mon parcours de création. Gaia is my coach in creativity. It's a precious moment for me, a special space, to speak about my work as a writer, address issues that help me position myself. I already feel more confident. What a rich et positive experience, a lucky charm on my way to create and find my place.

Ute Weber-Woisetschläger
6 years ago

On my search for integral art I became aware of the work of Gaia Orion. I am particularly attracted to the colours, shapes and vibrations of the paintings. For me, they often symbolize in a simple way a natural cycle or a continuously unfolding process of life. This message has a calming effect on me, then what they show is evident. It brings me back to the roots of my/our being. These works of art are for me not only aesthetic, but also effective, and wonderful objects for mindful meditation.

mary doucette
6 years ago

As a Visionary Artist Gaia invokes her message to the world of Peace, Balance, and Love, this is also portrayed through her many mediums of expression including, painting, jewelry making, and sharing stories of her growth as an artist. Gaia is an amazing artist.

Erik Hardenbol
6 years ago

Gaia went out of her way to customize my gift and include my handwritten note and print it onto one of her art cards for my partner's birthday, which made it extra special. The Free necklace is a beautiful piece of art! Five stars!

Daniela Godina
6 years ago

Gaia's book, 'The Call - A Brush for Change' has it's roots in the heart and humanity. I refer to it for upliftment and get to experience her art exhibit, although from afar, still with great affection for her wonderful and exquisite talent. Gaia's art, speaks to the psyche and the soul. With Thanks.

Hélène Kim
6 years ago

Charismatique, visionnaire et déterminée Gaïa Orion. J'ai fait un atelier créa avec elle en janvier 2018 à Paris. Elle a invité les 40 personnes inscrites à faire un dessin intuitif en visualisant notre jardin intérieur pour prendre soin des végétaux. Tous avaient réalisé des dessins fabuleux ! Son atelier est organisé, conceptualisé et ritualisé. J'ai adoré être en sa compagnie. 3 découvertes sur notre artiste : Elle adore la musique médiévale, les robes mousseline et l'Afrique. Elle aurait 95 ans... aujourd'hui?? Vous le saviez ?
The Business Owner Replied:

Ah ch?re H?l?ne, tes mots sont joliement pens?s, po?tiques et sensibles ! Merci pour ce beau t?moignage sur mon site !

Written on 07/03/2018

Shane Nash
6 years ago

Thank you, Merci Gaia- for making it so easy to have "Her journey" and "Our Journey" canvas prints to be part of our home. When I look at both them it reminds me of my daughters and to be able to provide a nurturing and loving home for them and our family as we all grow through life.
The Business Owner Replied:

Dear Shane, I appreciate how you show care and love for your family, it's the most important thing you can do in your life. It's an honour for me to have my art in a place like yours.

Written on 07/03/2018

Turiane Flohic
6 years ago

Merci pour ce magnifique atelier et cet incroyable jeu de carte feminilune. Il est vraiment très fort et un outil formidable pour les femmes. Tes dessins sont magnifiques, couplés aux explications de Monique, cela donne un travail remarquable. La raisonnannce des cartes est incroyablement forte. Cela montre votre investissement à toutes les deux

6 years ago

Working with Gaia was an emergent co-creative experience guided by loving connection and curiosity. I really appreciated her energy and commitment to delve into the invisible aspects of the logo for my business Kind Power. I was pleased when checking in with a variety of people on what the logo evoked, that many of the elements we talked through were communicated in a subtle and real way. I would recommend working with Gaia to bring your dream into expression. A joyful experience.

6 years ago

Bonjour, J'ai eu l'occasion de participer cette année par l'intermédiaire de Catherine MAILLARD à l'atelier LIBÉRER SON POUVOIR CRÉATEUR, ET RENOUER AVEC LE FÉMININ SAUVAGE, le 6 janvier, puis l'atelier La voix sacré du corps et d'assister à son vernissage le 14 janvier. J'ai été séduite par Gaïa tant par son parcours que par son talent artistique qui me touche et pour lequel j'ai de très belles raisonnances, mais également par la personne. Gaïa est doté d'une très belle Âme, avec de nombreuses qualités de coeur, généreuse, joyeuse elle est quelqu'un de très accessible et d'une simplicité qui m'ont plu toute de suite. Merci Merci Merci pour ces beaux moments de partage et à l'année prochaine pour de nouveaux ateliers et découvertes

6 years ago

Il y a quelques années, Gaïa m'a généreusement autorisée à utiliser l'image d'une de ses peintures pour des cercles de femmes que j'animaient. Depuis, je la suis via ses newsletter et suis toujours aussi émue et connectée quand je découvre ses nouvelles oeuvres. Je n'ai malheureusement pas encore pu aller à une expo ou un workshop mais je sais que ce jour là, l'énergie sera encore plus forte! Je viens également de recevoir le superbe jeu de cartes illustré par Gaïa, il est magique et très puissant et les femmes à qui je l'ai montré l'ont adoré. Merci, merci, merci! Respect et gratitude

7 years ago

I often wondered about my life journey, about memories, dreams, goals... I wondered if there was a way to express such fluid concepts, and capture the essence of my being in some artistic form. Well, Gaia was certainly up for this incredibly complicated task. Our initial conversation inspired me to recall details of my favourite memories, explore the future possibilities, think of colours, textures, and symbols. Gaia, in turn, skillfully weaved the stories of the past and dreams of the future into the most beautiful work of art. The most important part is that the painting reflects who I am, it brings me joy, it lifts my spirits, creating amazing energy around. It's a blessing to work with an artist like Gaia. But most of all, it's a blessing to call Gaia my friend! Thank you again for such treasure!

7 years ago

The moment I layed my eyes on Gaia's work, on the pages of an online class I was taking, I knew I wanted to explore further. From her website I ordered a print that evoked resilience and courage from within. I also ordered one of the amazing leather cuffs as a tactile reminder of the wholehearted journey I desire to live into! Lovely, compelling artistry!

7 years ago

I was inspired to order a print of Our Journey when my wife and I both "liked" it in a post on Facebook. After an initial glitch with "checkout," Gaia made the whole experience of acquiring the artwork easy and painless. I expected a bit of a wait for the printing and shipping, but was pleasantly surprised to find the print was delivered in short order. The outside of the box was a little banged up, but the print inside was well protected. The kind note was an added bonus. The print is hung in a special spot inside our front door where it is intended to draw one's focus and relieve the tension that someone might otherwise feel due to the layout of the room. I believe it works well, especially with the blue color behind it. Gaia has portrayed beautifully the correspondence of seasons of the year with the seasons of life we experience on Our Journey.

A Local
7 years ago

Gaia's work provokes a healing energy that comes from the deepest feminine source , it allows the viewer to connect and engage being pulled into the spirals and healing process. Her ability to create and market her work is incredible and sets the bar high for inspiration and modelling for all artists but especially women.She is a wonderful representation of making a living through her creation!! So glad to be connected and have a chance to show with you!!w

8 years ago

I've met Gaia'art through "Reves de femmes" and an exhibition in Paris. I felt connected to her sacred women painting. It reflects my activity as a ayurvedic therapist for women and yoga doula. I then decided to call her first for a painting and finally I choosed to create a new logo as my activity as changed theses last years, it s a little treat to myself :) It was a beautiful work both creating and listening to each others ideas. It was such an evidence, i m really happy about the result, so much ME !! And the painting to put in my office is really precious :) Thanks again Gaia for this special connection heart to heart !

christine zurek
8 years ago

Ce n'est pas la première fois que j'achète mes cadeaux chez Gaia Orion, je peux confirmer ma satisfaction tant au niveau des bijoux,cartes, que du suivi des commandes et du service après vente. Gaia est une personne qui répond rapidement aux messages et qui trouve facilement des solutions pour satisfaire ses clients. D'un point de vue artistique, je suis très touchée par son art, j'aime beaucoup ce qu'elle nous propose, cette jeune femme est très inspirée, j'adore la couleur qui embrase ses œuvres. Merci d'apporter de la beauté, dans la simplicité. Affectueusement Christine.

Stephanie Knapp
8 years ago

I love my print and my cards! Weaving her Journey reminds of a special weekend I spent at a Reiki class with a special group of women whom I did not know. We were all ages, occupations, positions in life and yet we all connected in such a beautiful way. Weaving her journey just reminds me of the specialness of our lives as we grow and change and continue! My prints arrived quickly and were well protected on their journey.

Inna Dagman
8 years ago

I fell in love with Gaia's art a few years ago. I was at a turning point in my life then - beginning a deep healing journey, especially of my feminine essence. Gaia's art propelled that process forward. Her timeless creations helped me feel whole, healed, one with nature, in love with my body, and deeply connected to the unfolding stream of women re-embracing their Divine essence. Now it feels I have come full circle as I'm sharing some of her beautiful images to convey the energy of the healing women's group I am leading. Thank you Gaia. Art like yours is essential in these times.

Margaret Brown
8 years ago

I am very pleased to have Gaia Orion's World Peace Print as a focal point in my office. I am a health care provider and appreciate the positive energy that has been shared by Gaia through this art work. It helps hold a positive intention for all. Gaia's art provides inspiration and healing. Thank you Gaia.

Natalie/Gaia Gems Orgonite
8 years ago

Aside from the visual beauty of Gaia Orion's art with its vibrant colors and rich, earthy imagery, I love its organic quality, reminding us of natural rhythms, the Wheel of the Year, the cycles & seasons of life that every living creature holds in common. Two years ago my friend Carol & I began a small business called Gaia Gems. Our mission: to reverently work with our Mother Earth, to honor Her as a wise, sentient being, to remind humanity of its place in the Web of Life and to help restore balance to our planet. We chose three of Gaia's prints to hang in our workspace: "Her Journey", "Our Journey" and "Mother Nature". Gaia's philosophy - both artistic and in life - is so in tune with what we are trying to do it is an inspiration to look up at these beautiful works of art and know that another soul sees what we see and holds the same love for the natural world and all its gifts. I cannot imagine any other images looking down on us as we strive to honor the Earth in our own way. I feel we are all seekers using our unique gifts to assist each other in finding our way home. It is an honor to travel alongside Gaia and to share in her gifts of inspiration and beauty.

Kristen Watts
8 years ago

I love my print and especially my bracelet. I wear it every day:) Gaia is truly a gifted artist; her art inspires me to be a better person, but to also remind myself every day what a good person I am. It takes talent for a piece of art to do that to someone's soul, and she has certainly touched mine!!!

Lynne Chiandet
8 years ago

Such an honour to feel a connection to one another and to a place beyond the self through the medium of art. Gaia's work offers this openly and allows for an individuals interpretation & meaningful connection to her work. Just love my print, it creates a space that speaks to this.

H. Fay Wilkinson
8 years ago

I have had the great pleasure of enjoying Gaia’s creations over many years. Her work is imbued with a joy and honesty that speaks to my heart. Her kindness and generosity is unsurpassed.

Sylvie Bérubé
8 years ago

J'adore le travail de Gaia. Elle sait exprimer par son art les expressions du sacré du Féminin et de la nature. Toutes ses oeuvres savent me toucher aux profondeurs de mon être, au coeur de mon âme. J'aime tellement ce qu'elle fait que je lui ai offert de créer un jeu de cartes avec moi et de faire partie de la galerie d'art de mon site de l'École Internationale du Féminin sacré pour partager internationalement ce qu'elle fait. Bravo chère Gaia de tout ce que tu crées, continue d'être inspirée et de partager tes oeuvres à l'humanité qui a grand besoin d'être touchée par le sacré. Avec amour, Sylvie Bérubé (Lüna)

Jennifer Baird
8 years ago

Gaia Orion's work is enchanting, complex, deep and continuously evolving. Her use of colour,archetypal images and symbols,various formats and templates which act as 'maps' or 'portals' and skillful technical ability all conspire to produce paintings of refreshing intelligence and great heart. Having Gaia's artwork hanging in any home or work space would certainly evoke very good energy and would also lead the viewer into heightened states of awareness. Such is the power of art created by someone whose path of awakening and art are one and the same.

Mytrae Meliana
8 years ago

Gaia, I love your work so much! Thank you for allowing me to use "Chakra Colors" as cover art for my CD "Chakra Sonata". The two work perfectly together. Your beautiful art speaks to my soul, and makes me feel connected to life's organic flow, Mother Earth, and our collective journey together. Thank you for your love, inspiration, and energy that flows from you into your beautiful art and out to us all.

Alice Juffroy
8 years ago

L'art de Gaia Orion m'a touché l'âme. J'ai eu le bonheur de pouvoir aller voir son exposition à Paris, c'est magnifique de voir ses tableaux en vrais! Ensuite j'ai rencontrée l'artiste, et là j'ai tout compris à la sensibilité de ses œuvres, une belle âme pour un bel art, voilà qui est pour moi Gaia Orion.

Melanie Rimkay
8 years ago

Gaia's work is absolutely stunning...I have 3 of her pieces in my studio and I personally see something different every time I look at them. The yoga students love to focus on them during practice. The detail and depth of her work make for a perfect drishti (gazing point)!! Thanks Gaia for your creative inspiration!!
The Business Owner Replied:

Thanks for your kind note Melanie, I feel that our gifts to the world make a great match, it's an honour to have my paintings in your space.

Written on 08/16/2016

8 years ago

I have followed her on Facebook and her site for several years. I am especially in love with 'The Journey', which depicts the cycle of life of a human from birth to death. I use this in my work with families who want to care for their dead themselves. I give the print as a gift to the National Home Funeral Alliance organization, which helps teach families to do this work themselves. And I use the notecard to send condolances. Thank you Gaia, for your beautiful work. Kateyanne
The Business Owner Replied:

Thanks to you Kateyanne! I was so happy when you contacted me and discovered the possibility of home funerals. I think your work is incredible and I would encourage people to learn that you can create your own intimate (reasonably priced) funeral at home.

Written on 08/16/2016

Joan Wallace
8 years ago

I have loved Gaia's work for many years! I am the proud owner of 2 original pieces...Chakra Colors from her first Reiki magazine cover, and an early Life's Journey spiral! I really love her creative expressions of Life!
The Business Owner Replied:

Dear Joan, I am proud of that chakra colours painting and it's heartwarming when I see a special piece like it going into a good home like yours!

Written on 08/16/2016

Donna Howlett
8 years ago

Saw Lynn's painting " Nomades" and absolutely love it, as I do all your are truly amazing and creative!! Best of luck in the future Gaia.

Lynn Martin
8 years ago

I've purchase an amazing 3 feet by 4 feet Print on Canvas from Gaia Orion of a painting that I fell in love with called "Nomades". I really had a connection with this painting. I also was so so fortunate that I live in the same town as Gaia and she personally delivered it and took the time to hang it in my living room. Thanks Gaia!!
The Business Owner Replied:

Dear Lynn, it was a pleasure installing the piece for you, especially because it looked like your yellow walls was just waiting for it. Nomads fits your space beautifully, thanks for your purchase!

Written on 08/10/2016