About Us

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100: 1-2 A worship service is a meeting place between God and God’s people. Each Sunday we come together as God’s family in the presence of God. We celebrate God’s worthiness. In worship we experience this worthiness in a concentrated way. God’s faithfulness inspires our faith ; God’s authourity encourages our obedience; God’s goodness stirs us to greater thankfulness; God’s self-giving love nourishes our love and devotion. God’s Spirit directs to Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, on whom our worship is centered. During the week we usually encounter God alone, or with a few friends or family members. Our Sunday worship provides a regular opportunity to do so as an entire congregation. It unites us more fully with Jesus Christ and with each other. Congregational singing has always been an integral part of Reformed worship. Our music is a blend of old and new, encompassing the hymns of the past and the latest from today’s Christian songwriters. Praise teams, organists, and pianists take part in leading the congregational singing.