Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 01 at 11:13 AM
April showers bring May flowers! Summer is just around the corner.
Social distancing has given me an opportunity to take time and work out the future
I Dream of Trees Photography has lots of exciting developments coming together for the coming months. More blogs, more posts to be posted for you to read, interviews with fellow business owners, on line courses and much more.
Stay well and Stay tuned!

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 01 at 11:13 AM
Hello all my wonderful followers!
I love Spring, do you? I love flowers as well and one of my favourite things to photograph are flowers.
Today is May Day. The first of May is celebrated around the world. It has several meanings. In many other countries it is a celebration of spring and the coming of summer. It is celebrated with many spring flowers, many of them blooming right in your own backyard.
My background is from Great Britain. In the old country on May 1 we dance around the May pole. A painted pole, decorated with flowers, around which men and women traditionally dance on May Day, holding long ribbons that are attached to the top of the pole. The Maypole dance was almost definitely a fertility rite meant to symbolize the union of the masculine and feminine, which is a major theme in May Day celebrations across the historical Pagan footprint.
Happy Month of May!

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On April 28 at 7:49 AM
How are you all doing?
I have taken to reading Orillia Matters on line every day to get the latest stats on what's happening in the virus world and the Orillia community.

A story in Saturday's Orillia Matters caught my eye. It made me feel compelled to share the link:

To quote part of the article
"There has been much comment recently comparing the coronavirus epidemic to the challenges of war.

More particularly to the Second World War, when, a country of 11,000,000, Canadians put their shoulder to the wheel to become an industrial powerhouse producing a hard-to-imagine volume of armaments, while supporting 1.1 million of its citizens in uniform.

Can this effort be replicated in the fight against COVID 19?"

The article shares information regarding the comparisons of the world coming together to fight and the world economy then and now. It is uplifting to see that although it feels frightening living in the world today its not as bad as it was in World War II.

Have an uplifting day!
# #professionalphotographer #headshots #businessphotography #photography #personalbrandphotography #art #nature

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On April 25 at 9:52 AM
Hey business associates:
I just gotta share this link off Orillia Matters today.
Stay positive at least you don't have this chickens hair do! Although we could soon without our hair stylist open!!...and when can you remember getting gas for 68 cents a litre? Who knows... probably before I got my license!
Check out Canadian singer, Alli Walker, and her song "Little Things"
Have a wonderful day and count all your blessings

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On April 17 at 10:27 PM
As a small business owner, I have spent the past weeks in isolation at home wearing my "thinking hat." Brainstorming ways to be creative by having an increased on line presence, by providing products that can be purchased on line. and ways to enhance my business for post virus days to come.

John C. Maxwell once said, " If you don't try to create the future you want, you must endure the future you get."

With this in mind, I have been busy and will continue to be so. Now is the time to work hard, when the time has been given to us so that we can make the difference to our future now.

Get your "thinking hats" on and make it happen for our futures!

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