Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 23 at 8:17 AM
Here in Canada we no longer use pennies, but May 23 is Lucky Penny Day. I gotta say I miss seeing pennies around.
How about you?

A penny did not buy you much if anything but It used to. During your grandparents' days, a penny bought a lot of things. Most notably, "Penny Candy" got its name because a piece of candy cost a penny.

Living in the British Isles, there used to be public washrooms which were accessible by dropping a penny in the slot in the washroom stall door, This is why people would say I am going to spend a penny." Another saying," a penny for your thoughts."

Lucky pennies were found on the ground. It only took one lucky penny to give you good luck.

Hoping you find your lucky penny today!

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 21 at 8:08 AM
Have any of you noticed the colourful murals hanging on barns around the countryside in Simcoe County, and beyond? I am sure some of you have.
Barn Quilts" as they are called are said to have been founded by Donna Sue Groves of Adams County, Ohio in the 1980's. In the 35 years since the first barn quilt appeared in Adams County over 7000 barn quilts have been created and proudly displayed throughout North America.

This initiative was put together by the County of Simcoe and the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture, with the original idea to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary of Canada's Confederation that was celebrated in 2017.

I Dream of Trees Photography has been driving around Simcoe capturing images of the barn quilts of which a few are included in this post. Later this month check out my blog at to see more images.

The Simcoe County Barn Quilt trail features more than 150 quilts. You can also go to to get more information.

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 17 at 8:28 AM
Working with entrepreneurs I do not just taking head shots. Personal Brand Photography is a mixture of photojournalism, lifestyle, and portraiture. It is all created to communicate your personal brand to make a connection with your audience. They are personalized for you, showing your business's character, environment, and what it is like to work with your company.

There are many purposes to the photographs created for you to communicate your brand.
Use the photos on your website, social media sites, email marketing, sales and landing pages and any other marketing materials.

I am working with you a business owner, to create accurate and compelling imagery. Through photographs, I am helping you to promote your people, products, and your brand's personality for impact marketing that stands out.

I will tie up all the loose ends in your marketing strategy, providing images that are authentically you, are consistent in your news feed and social media sites, highlighting your expertise, who you are as a person and what your company stands for. Share who you are with me in a Personal Brand Photography session.

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 14 at 7:30 AM
All businesses are unique in their own way. Being a personal brand photographer, it is my job to find the uniqueness in every business brand and capture that essence in the images I take for my clients. Every business owner deserves sharp chic images and every client deserves to know what their brand is by just looking at the images shared.

Why is I Dream of Trees Photography unique?
1.The name of course, reminding my clients of the nature roots I came from in the beginning of my business. The name stands out and gets noticed.
2.I see every problem as a giftwithout problems we would not grow. With COVID-19 that is exactly how I have reacted. I am using the time and getting busy!
3.I do not do things halfway; determination is the name of the game. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
4.I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the best advice, and then going away and making it my own.
5.At I Dream of Trees Photography I love what I do.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." Albert Schweitzer

And lastly, I just want to make my clients happy!

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On May 12 at 11:37 AM
Hi Women out there Happy belated Mother's Day,

Yesterday was also Lilac Day. Do you love the whiff of lilac scent when you take a walk in the Spring? Yes I know, it just 2 days ago it was snowing but the lilac buds are growing!!

It is perhaps the most fragrant of all flowers. It makes a popular and sought after perfume. Many say its beauty is second only to the rose, and more than a few people see it as better than roses. So, it is only fitting that people around the world honour this beautiful flower. Lilac bushes are native to cool mountainous hillside areas, from southern Europe to Asia. Lilacs were introduced into the American continent in the 1750's. Their popularity quickly soared. Lilac Sunday is celebrated with hugely popular springtime festivals and special events. Annual Lilac festivals have been held for over a hundred years.

Take a walk when it gets warmer and get a whiff of lilac today!

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