Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On June 25 at 9:06 AM
How many of you as business owners and entrepreneurs struggle defining your business brand?
It is imperative early in your business start up to define your brand. You may wonder why that is? Basically, if you are not sure what your marketing message is that you are putting out to potential customers then how are they going to know? Your message must be razor-cut clear to set up trust in your product or service to allow sales to take place.
So how do I do that, you say? Starting from grass roots and figuring what you are all about, not just your business but YOU. After all YOU is where it all started. Then systematically going from there. It is a self discovery journey.
If you were like me this branding thing was all so complicating and overwhelmingthat is okay, it doesn't have to be, and you are not alone.
If you need help, this is the time to take notice. I am launching my first online course in July, What is all the hype about Business Branding anyway?" It will help you understand what business branding is and what moving parts of your business lends to defining your brand.

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On June 23 at 12:58 PM
How many of you feel strong emotions when you pass construction sites where they are bulldozing trees and vegetation? I am for one.
Today is World Rainforest Day. It was created in 2017 to raise awareness of the importance of rainforests around the world for the health of the Earth, and ultimately for your health, too.
Really folks I need not go onto explain why cutting down rainforests is bad for our planetunless you have been living as a hermit in a cave for years, you should know why and take responsibility to be informed. One fact alone, Rainforests do many good things for the earth. 20% of the oxygen we breath, comes from rain forests.
You may think, why do I have to worry about rainforests it doesn't affect me?" Canada has no rainforests." That is where you are wrong, there is a rainforest on Vancouver Island in Canada. The biggest rainforest is the Amazon located in South America. However, as well as Canada there are rainforests all over the world.
So be informed find out why they are being cut down, boycott the companies who are doing it, for example Cadbury uses the land that was once a rainforest to grow palm trees that produce palm oil. Check out how many products we eat has palm oil in it. The sick joke is that palm oil is not even good for you.
Be informed!

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On June 20 at 10:17 AM
Father's Day is this Sunday, June 21. A day to honour Dad. A day to enjoy time with Dad and appreciate all he does for you. He is the person who cares and provides for us. He is the man who helps to set the standards and the family values.
This week on my Women Helping Women interview series I am interviewing Karen Zinn. Karen owns her business with her husband, Multi Tech Audio Visual in Barrie. She works in a predominantly male industry, and I must add, is damn good at it! She won the Woman of the Year award for 2020 in the Trades category. Congratulations to Karen and all the other women who work in typical male industries!
Check out the interview at opening on June 19 at:

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On June 20 at 10:17 AM
Summer Solstice is sometimes referred to as "Midsummer." It is the longest day of the year. Once summer solstice passes daylight begins to diminish until we reach winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in December. But never mind that for now!
Summer Solstice is the meteorological start of summer. It is time to enjoy vacations, great weather, pools, baseballs, and everything else that goes along with the favorite season of kids and most adults. Grab your favorite beverage and enjoy the season, because for many of us it is all too short.

Carole Burdon Photography in Orillia
On June 17 at 8:05 AM
Summer arrives in a few days. Millions of people will spend countless leisure hours in the great outdoors, enjoying nature in all its glorious splendor. Along the way, we will capture millions, if not billions, of pictures of nature scenes, that capture our hearts or makes us breathless.
National Nature Photography Day was created to both promote conservation, and to celebrate the enjoyment of nature photography. Your environmental awareness just might be contagious, helping to preserve the natural wonders of the world for many generations to come.
There are almost unlimited ways to celebrate National Nature Photography Day. Armed with a camera, you are ready to participate.
Go out and explore the world of nature. Take in a park, creek bed, along the lake, or nature trail. Bring your camera along. Yes, cell phone cameras are perfect for this day.
Participate in efforts to preserve nature. Along the way, make sure to soak in all the peace and serenity that nature provides.
Happy National Nature Photography Day!

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