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Bee-hold! Our new and improved 2017 Shareholder’s Agreement follows below…

We have learned and grown from our first year and sow life lessons are reflected in changes to this year’s agreement. Before buying a share in the Bass Lake Market Garden (BLMG) - Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) Food Box Program, please read, understand and accept the terms of this membership agreement. If you have any questions or clarifications - please don’t hesitate to contact us via email - basslakemarketgarden@gmail.com or by phone 705 309 9669.

BECOME A SHAREHOLDER A Shareholder is someone who buys a summer’s share of produce in advance of the growing season, who shares with us both agriculture’s inherent risks and nature’s bounty. Last year we offered 20 shares. This season 25 to 40 shares will be offered on a first come first served basis as of March 17th until May 1st. The Food Box Program lasts for 17 weeks (compared to 15 weeks in 2016), starting the 3rd week of June and ending the first week of October. By becoming a Shareholder with the BLMG you form an integral link in our local food chain, supporting the necessary regeneration of our local food system and economy. By supporting new and young farmers growing fresh food in ecologically regenerative and culturally significant ways, in our own backyard, you help to inspire and support a healthy and vibrant food future. Sow, thank you! Plus, you get tomatoes!

Returning Shareholders Returning shareholders will be given the first chance to sign up for the 2017 season and take advantage of our “early bird” prices.

"Share a Share" If 1 full share is too much for you - consider sharing your weekly box with a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbour. In 2016 a few of our shareholders partnered up with a co-worker or another couple to share the box from week to week which is helpful if a box is too much for you, or you don't plan on being around every week in the summer to pick up your box.

How and when must I pay for the food box? Seed capital helps us cover start-up costs! In order to secure your membership in our CSA program we are requesting an initial $100.00 non-refundable deposit within 1 month of completing the food box order form. We will then require the full payment by May 1st, 2017 to confirm your spot. You can pay with cash or cheque - made out to “Bass Lake Market Garden”.

 Early Bird / Regular Prices + Delivery

  • Option 1  = $360.00 - Early Bird “Pick-up” every week from the farm ( ~ $21.20 per box/17 weeks) . (Regular Price is $400.00 or ~ $23.55 per box / 17 weeks)

  • Option 2  = $425.00 - Early Bird “Half Pick-Up / Half Delivery”. (You choose 9 or fewer weeks for us to deliver (within Orillia or 10km of the farm), the rest you pick up. We’ll need to know which weeks you need a delivery as soon as possible, and at least 1 day in advance of the regularly scheduled pickup/drop off date…) (Reg. Price = $465.00)

  • Option 3 = $460.00 - Early Bird “Local Delivery” weekly in Orillia or within 10km of the farm. (17 weeks = $5.90 /delivery). (Reg. Price =$500.00)

  • ?????????????????????Option 4 =$500.00 - Early Bird “Long Distance Delivery” weekly within 10km - 20km of the farm. (17 weeks = $8.25/delivery) (Please note that for several reasons we can’t deliver more than 20km away, but will recommend you to growers even more local to you). (Reg. Price = $540)

Waiting List 
After 25 shareholders sign up, addition inquiries will be placed on a waiting list, at which point we will assess whether or not production capacity exists to accommodate additional shares. If there is capacity, new shareholders may join mid season by paying the regular per box value multiplied by number of weeks remaining.
 Can I “work off” my food box instead of paying money?
This year we’re offering a limited amount of “Work-Share Boxes“. We will exchange 1 full seasons share for 50 volunteer hours. This works out to about 3 hours a week volunteering over the course of a 17 week season. (See Work-Share Application here) Shareholder’s Duties In order to ensure a safe and successful season we are expecting a little participation on your end for our mutual benefit.

In order to save us time and energy, while maintaining food quality and food safety please respect the following:

  • 1. Food Storage: Upon arriving home, empty your food box and deploy good food storage and handling techniques to maintain food quality/shelf life and food safety - i.e. please do not let food rot in the box! (ask us for more details)

  • 2. Clean/Rinse/Wash/Dry/Return Food Box weekly. Each shareholder is loaned 2 Rubbermaid bins for the season. Please keep your boxes clean, secure and return both boxes to us at the end of the season.

  • 3. 48 Hours Notice - If you are unavailable for food box pick up or not home to accept a delivery please give us at least 48 hours notice through text or email. OR designate alternate pickup person/drop off spot.

  • 4. Bee on thyme. Mark all scheduled pick up and drop off times in your calendar at the beginning of the season and create prompts to remind you of weekly duties. What’s in a box and how many will it feed? This year we’ll offer a respectably sized box, depending on your appetite, potentially providing the weekly fresh food needs for 1-3 people. We aim to provide a minimum of 7 unique items per box, each including some combination of roots, greens, herbs, fruits, flowers, other wild farm foraged foods, including heirloom, rare and experimental varieties. Each week we aim to include at least 1 new item. For the most part, our produce will be unwashed - believing that washing the produce, if necessary, is best done moments prior to preparing and cooking the foods we eat, as to protect the flavour, vitality, and the storability of our foods. All box contents are grown on the farm, harvested on pick-up or delivery day, unless otherwise indicated (we may supplement your box with produce/products from other local food producers). We hope you’ll bee pleasantly surprised with what you get from week to week, and to an extent, are open to suggestions from our shareholders based on your tastes and interests - if you won’t or can’t eat a given item, lettuce know! Our produce, at our stand and at other outlets will be fairly priced, as compared with other local food producers and local markets. Want to support the Bass Lake Market Garden in other ways? Now that you have read the Shareholders Agreement, you may be thinking to yourself, “perhaps a box is not for me this season”. That is A-OK. There are many other ways to support the Bass Lake Market Garden by joining with our extended family and growing community. For starters, consider joining our casual volunteer program. Also, from time to time we will be hosting special cultural and educational food and farm related events, celebrations, tours, as well as maintaining a farmstand to sell our surplus produce to neighbours, campers, and anyone interested. Sometimes you may find us popping up at farmer’s markets in the area or you might just find our produce at other local retailers and restaurants, especially if you ask for it! You share in the rewards and risk: We are gardening one week in t-shirts and the next, shoveling snow in winter coats! Naturally the bounty depends on Mother Nature and recent seasonal shifts suggest we are in for a wild ride - all the more reason to support a local and ecologically sound food system! By agreeing to this Shareholders Agreement you agree to support us through thick and thin, sharing in the inherent risks of agriculture (poor weather, drought, crop loss, etc.) and rewards (organic, exceptionally fresh vegetables, the bounty of a good season, supporting a vibrant local economy etc.). Consequently we can make no guarantees on the exact amount or type of produce available for your weekly food box. However, in the event of a major crop failure, within our means, we will look to supplement your box with produce from more successful local growers. I want to become a Shareholder - Now what do I do? Please fill out the 2017 Food Box Order Form below to become a Shareholder! Once we have received your request we will follow up with more instructions. Stay in touch, learn more - sign up for our email newsletter! Subject line “Newsletter” Email basslakemarketgarden@gmail.com . Like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter or call/text us at 705 309 9669.