About Us

About Artifact Photography 

As we travel through life we acquire things for different reasons. We may just think they’re neat, interesting, or beautiful. We may collect for a “higher purpose” – to preserve things from destruction or loss, or as a token of our heritage. Or we may collect things that help us educate, as samples of what was, or things that show concepts clearly. Regardless, artifacts are the tangible icons of our memories. My mission is to help you preserve your memories by providing clear, attractive images of your artifacts with which you can illustrate your stories, distribute knowledge to future generations, and maintain your personal memories when you decide to downsize.

I believe in preserving and sharing memories through photography. If you’d like me to help you preserve yours, please contact me.

Collection documentation 

Your collection means a lot to you. A catalogue lets you show people your entire collection, even when you don’t have space to display it fully. You can describe each piece fully to enhance others’ interpretation, or keep the memory fresh for you. You can send a copy to your insurance company. You can carry it around with you to show others, either on a smartphone or tablet, or as a hand sewn, hardcover book. You can share it with friends and family. You can impress friends, or use it to educate people and share your passion. You can also use it to remind yourself of what you’ve already got as you acquire more artifacts to reduce the number of unwanted duplicates.

At some point, you may want to downsize. Your catalogue is a permanent record you can keep beyond the life of your collection. It can also interpret your collection for your family so they can gain an appreciation for what you collected and why. It may even ignite a passion in them.

When it comes time to sell off part or all of your collection, the photographs are available for you to use on the web or through an auction. Quality photographs better demonstrate the condition of your artifacts and indicate the care you take with them. This often results in greater interest from other collectors and consequently better value for you.

I can photograph every item in your collection, either with a standard single view, or from every angle. I can work with you to write the descriptions and interpretations of your pieces. The catalogue can take the form of a database, an ebook, a bound book, or any combination of these. I can even create wall art if that’s your preference.